Joy Clarkson

Joy Clarkson is a featured columnist and the Director of Marketing at Humane Pursuits. She is a graduate of Biola University, and also spent time as a visiting student at Oxford University studying C.S. Lewis, Literature, and Theology. Her days are spent helping people and companies tell their stories well, pondering, writing, singing, and drinking too much Yorkshire Gold tea.

Loving and Losing

Tennyson’s words didn’t mean what your Facebook memes suggest they mean. Joy ClarksonJoy Clarkson is a featured columnist and the…

Eden in Exile

Babel and Eden. These places wrestle within me. Joy ClarksonJoy Clarkson is a featured columnist and the Director of Marketing…

12 Thankful Months

New Year, new roads! Joy ClarksonJoy Clarkson is a featured columnist and the Director of Marketing at Humane Pursuits. She…

Advent: Homeward

“Nobody tells you when you get born here How much you’ll come to love it And how you’ll never belong…