
What could fulfillment at work look like?

Songs or Silence

Should you listen while you work? Our technological boom has given rise to media available at all times and in…


What does it mean to enjoy life?

Lessons from a Lava Field

Saturdays. Bryce JohnsonBryce Johnson is a wanderer. Raised in the fields and mountains of southeastern Idaho, he understands that vast…


What's left to hope for?


What does connection really mean?
Awaiting the King: Reforming Public Theology

Awaiting the King: an Interview with James K.A. Smith

As 2018 begins with the usual flurry of New Year’s resolutions—eat healthier, read more, spend more time with family—I wonder how many have added ‘love my neighbor’ to their list. I got to sit down with author and philosopher James K. A. Smith to learn how to make community a central focus in 2018 and learned it has a lot to do with Augustine. And Hope. 


How do we find (and create) beautiful things?


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Support Humane Pursuits!

It’s the end of the year! Please consider making a year-end gift to support Humane Pursuits…or even join as a member…

Humane Pursuits is Hiring

Humane Pursuits is taking applications for volunteer leadership roles. Apply now to join our exceptional team! Founded in 2009 by…
