Submissions Invited: Symposium on Home

Please Come and Share Your Thoughts on Home

“There’s no place like home.” There is especially no place like a well-ordered, welcoming, loving home. Domestic tranquility is one of the most beautiful things in the world. But as Robert Farrar Capon wrote, “It is hard to make a home.” Homes of the hospitable sort do not just pop out of the ground. They have to be nurtured and maintained with patience and sacrifices that often aren’t noticed or appreciated. This work must be done while contending with any number of foes that do damage to home life: busyness (is it a home if no one is ever there?), the transitoriness of modern life, unemployment, workaholism, poverty, illness, divorce, and abuse, along with the garden-variety sinful cussedness that makes us all so difficult to live with.

The John Jay Institute’s next symposium will investigate what makes homes beautiful, and how to create them in a world filled with broken people who all need a place to call home. We encourage our people to contribute thoughts–this is our sweet spot!

How to Contribute

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