Brian Brown

Brian Brown loves building the environments, habits, and networks that make people thrive. He is the founder of Humane Pursuits, where he writes a featured column and edits the Give channel. He started his consulting company, Narrator, to help great mission-driven organizations modernize and grow. He lives with his wife Christina and son Edmund in Colorado Springs, where they mix cocktails, hunt for historic architecture, and see how many people they can squeeze into their house for happy hour.

On Flogging

A criminal justice professor thinks “penitentiaries” don’t work–and has an alternative solution to jail time. Brian BrownBrian Brown loves building…

United We Shop

What binds our communities together? The centerpieces of our neighborhoods answer that question eloquently. Brian BrownBrian Brown loves building the…

The Kids Are Not All Right

Philadelphia’s leadership is doing British conservatism better than the British conservatives. Brian BrownBrian Brown loves building the environments, habits, and…