Tips To Secure Your New Place

Abby Locker

Moving in to your very own place after college is really exciting! Finally—no parents to tell you what to do! No RA to make sure you’re following those weird and often arbitrarily enforced hall rules! At the same time, living on your own after school can be scary. Most of us focus on the fact that if we lock ourselves out, it will be our own responsibility to figure out how to get back into our homes (instead of just texting that control-freak RA to let us in with his or her master key).

While we’re in school we take safety for granted. If something is taken from our rooms it is likely only one of a few people who could have done it because there are only so many people who have pass keys to our buildings and floors. We’re surrounded by people our own age doing the same things we are. The real world is much different. In the real world your neighbors are not likely going to be freshly graduated 22 year-olds just like you, especially if you’re moving to a bigger city.

Right now it probably seems ridiculous to worry about home safety on the same level that you might worry about, say, personal safety. It will probably seem that way until someone tries to break in. The truth is, though, that unfortunately, your parents are right: there isn’t any such thing as being too careful or too safe when you get out and on your own. So use these 5 tips to both keep yourself extra safe and keep your parents from nagging you and calling you every fifteen seconds “just to check in.”

Smart Locks

Renting out a new place comes with keys that you receive from your landlord. Most of the time they do replace the lock from former tenants, but the best way to be sure is to get your own lock. Instead of opting for the standard lock, you can purchase a smart lock. A smart lock provides added security by needing a pass code to open the door. You can set a code to whatever you like and not have to worry about another copy of a key floating around. Another added bonus is that the lock will timeout if too many wrong codes have been entered. It is an inexpensive one-time purchase that will strengthen the security of your place very easily.

Motion Sensor Lights

Most burglars are counting on people being away when the outside lights are off. Outside lights are a good indication that homes are occupied. Burglars target homes that are dark, as it appears to be an easier place to rob. By installing motion sensor lights, thieves will think they are safe to approach your home. They will be in for a surprise when the lights come on exposing them, and they will have no choice but to flee the scene. Not only are you saving money on energy, these lights are an economically friendly way to secure your home.

Alarm System

Having an alarm system is a great option for deterring unwanted guests from entering your home. You have just graduated, so being wary of home security costs is to be expected. It is possible to get a great rate and still pay your student loans. An alarm system will put your parents at ease and does most of the work in terms of home protection. Another added benefit is that an alarm system can save you money on your home insurance. Might as well save some money while protecting your stuff.

Security Camera

Installing a security camera to your home can help you catch a robbery in progress if someone gets into your house. Security cameras are fairly inexpensive and you can monitor your home from the convenience of your cell phone. It’s almost like you have your home in your pocket. Leave nothing up to chance by getting a camera mounted. At the very least, you can see what shenanigans your dog gets into while you are away at work. Bottom line, a security camera is a great preventative measure and source of entertainment for your home.


Most robbers want a quick and effortless situation, so a safe can dash their plan while protecting your valuables in the process. Jewelry, money, and other valuable items are easy items that most people leave in plain sight. Having a safe in your home, you can put all of your treasured belongings away so that they will not be stolen. You can leave your place without fear of someone getting the opportunity to steal your things.

Being completely on your own is a different ball game compared to living on campus where there are security patrols every half hour or so. Having someone break into your home is not only bad financially, but it can wreck your sense of safety too. Safety precautions need to be taken into account. Look into getting a smart lock, alarm system, security camera, motion sensor locks, or a safe. These are great cost effective ways to help protect you and your assets without having to opt into the ramen noodle diet. On the plus side, your parents will not have to call you a million times because they know you are safe and secure. Get peace of mind and less parental phone calls by keeping up with your home security; your sanity needs it.

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