Homemade All Natural Lotion with Rosemary and Lavender

Love it!

As a Graduate Resident Director for the university where I attend school, Andrew and I are given free housing. We live in the old servant quarters of a mansion that was finally converted into a dormitory. The job definitely has its perks— our kitchen is the old prep-kitchen, stocked with beautiful glass cabinets and big windows. I love the radiator heating— for leaning against when it’s cold outside and for warming up socks in the morning. The radiators, though, for as much as I love them, kick off a large amount of dust, which can make our apartment feel really dry.

About a month ago, I noticed how much lotion I had gone through this winter, trying to combat my dry skin and our drafty apartment. It’s not cheap, and I noticed that even the “organic” lotion I had been buying has eighteen ingredients. I felt a little unsettled about rubbing that onto my skin every day, so I decided to look into making my own.

I found a recipe I love, adapted from Live Simply. This homemade all natural lotion has only four ingredients, and took almost no time to make! It smells and feels amazing: like a giant cup of tea for your skin. It can be used on your face and body alike.

One note with this lotion: a little bit goes a long way! You really only need a tiny bit to start with, otherwise it can make your skin feel greasy.

Homemade Lotion With Lavender and Rosemary


– 1/2 Cup (4 oz) Shea Butter

– 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

-15 drops Lavender Essential Oil

-15 Rosemary Essential Oil


In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the Shea butter. Add in the coconut oil and remove from heat.

Pour mixture into a medium sized bowl and place in the freezer for 20 minutes– until solid but not frozen.

Add the essential oils and whip the mixture for 2 minutes.

Spoon into a jar and store at room temperature.

Have you found a different lotion recipe you enjoy? Comment below!

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