

Third wave coffee shops. Music you’ve never heard of. Apps for that. Old books. Suspenders, mustaches, and red lipstick.

Are these the enigmatic fascinations of a self-conscious generation, or humane pursuits in an increasingly inhumane world?


Today’s generation is trying to navigate a world shaped by technocratic politics, big businesses, neighborless neighborhoods, and the constant barrage of mass communication. A world that suggests that beauty, rest, rootedness, or affecting our circumstances only appears in museums or fantasy novels.

We disagree. We think it is possible to live well-rounded lives filled with meaning…even in the context of the constraining boxes created by the modern world.

Here at Humane Pursuits we want to reclaim the art of being human. Our approach is to thread the yearnings of our generation through the most compelling ideas of civilization, remembering our late and limited place in the flow of those ideas. We look at our context creatively and critically, in order to construct robust lives grounded in things that matter. We aren’t going on a quest to find a well-lived life. We are standing firm and we are going to build it.



Perhaps people today care about coffee because it creates community, music you’ve never heard of because popular music doesn’t satisfy, apps because there’s always a way to create, old books because history matters, personal style because people are people, not ants.

So chime into the conversation and join the work of a life truly worth living.

A life of Humane Pursuits.

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Who We Are

Humane Pursuits is published by the Anselm Society, a nonprofit organization based in Colorado Springs. Visit Anselm’s website.

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